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Turquoise Earrings Kit
Turquoise Earrings Kit
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Our Price: $20.00

Product Code: SWK_TTB-E2


The Turquoise and Trade Bead Collection

Venetian glass trade beads were the currency used with indigenous peoples by European explorers. These legendary beads figure significantly in the history of America. Lewis and Clark, Vasco da Gama, Cortez, Coranado, etc. always carried kilos of these brilliantly colored beads that so enchanted the natives. They are no longer available. All are in the hands of collectors. We've decided to break up one of our strands from the 1800s to create these kits.

Combined with Kingman, Arizona Turquoise, this collection tells the story of the first people in the Southwest.

All orders will include a monograph on Turquoise, and those orders that include trade beads will receive a seven page article on the history, lore, and identification of Venetian glass trade beads.

Trade Bead Earrings

Kit contains nuggets of Kingman, Arizona Turquoise, four 4mm sterling silver beads, made in Arizona, sterling silver ear wires, silver head pins and instructions. Earrings finish to approximately 1 1/2", including the length of the ear wire.

Price is for the kit.

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