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The Trade Bead and Turquoise Necklace Kit
Trade Bead and Turquoise Necklace Kit
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Our Price: $75.00

Product Code: SWK_TTB


The Turquoise and Trade Bead Collection

Venetian glass trade beads were the currency used with indigenous peoples by European explorers. These legendary beads figure significantly in the history of America. Lewis and Clark, Vasco da Gama, Cortez, Coranado, etc. always carried kilos of these brilliantly colored beads that so enchanted the natives. They are no longer available. All are in the hands of collectors. We've decided to break up one of our strands from the 1800s to create these kits.

Combined with Kingman, Arizona Turquoise, this collection tells the story of the first people in the Southwest.

All orders will include a monograph on Turquoise, and those orders that include trade beads will receive a seven page article on the history, lore, and identification of Venetian glass trade beads.

The Trade Bead and Turquoise Necklace Kit

The focal is a Venetian glass trade bead, circa 1850 AD, that measures approximately 9mm wide and 1/2" to 5/8" long. Framed by 8 and 6mm sterling silver rondelles (made in Arizona) and 8mm Red Jasper beads, the centerpiece graduates into nuggets of 7 to 8mm natural color Kingman, Arizona Turquoise. The closing is accented by Red Jasper beads from 4mm to 6mm. This kit is suitable for men also. Similar necklaces were worn by Mountain Men and Native American men.

Kit finishes to 19 1/2" and includes a sterling silver clasp and crimps, stringing material, instructions.<

Price is for the kit.

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